The number is a simple ratio of the number of targets with that port open
divided by the number of targets scanned. The scanning took place in 2008,
as described in the Nmap Network Scanning book here:
https://nmap.org/book/port-scanning.html#most-popular-ports . We also did
some filtering to remove obvious anomalies such as targets with no ports
open or with enormous numbers of ports open.
Coincidentally, I just sent an email to the list asking for port scan data
in order to update these ratios: https://seclists.org/nmap-dev/2018/q4/3
Post by Ðвгений ÐомÑнÑинGreetings!
Could someone, please, tell about the exact formula used to obtain
top-ports ratio in "nmap-services" file? Could not find one in
documentation. Thanks in advance!
Sent through the dev mailing list
Archived at http://seclists.org/nmap-dev/